LG Electronics Development Vietnam (LGEDV) Company focuses on smart & eco-friendly automotive
components. The VC Company produces high-quality & state-of-the-art in-car infotainment systems that deliver
both information and entertainment on the go for many of the world‘s biggest automobile brands.
We, LG Electronics Development Vietnam (LGEDV), conduct core R&D activities, and various product
reliability tests in support of our vehicle component business.
As a Java Software Engineer of LGEDV in the Da Nang office, your roles & responsibilities will be as
_ Research and develop applications for Car Infotainment, AVN (Audio Video Navigation) systems,
Cluster and Telematics
_ Develop automotive products and technologies (including HMI Applications, HMI frameworks,
Protocols to interface with HMI framework and middleware …)
_ Responsible for software delivery to headquarter;
_ Generate reports, and communicate with local management and head quarter.